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Dream Analysis

Believe it or not, your dreams are all about you.

Everyone talks about their dreams, but what do they mean? I hope to offer you insight into your dream state so you can better understand yourself and what's going on in your day-to-day so you gain empowerment to effect change.

Dreams do not lie to you. They are honest because they are NOT coming to you from the areas of your conscious mind, the personality/ego. Dreams come from the subconscious mind. When dream symbols are interpreted and understood, the messages from your subconscious can help clear repression, fears, and obstacles.

The conscious mind, your personality ego, functions when you are awake. It's the part of you that interacts with others in the world. The five senses, hearing, seeing, smelling, touching, and tasting, are what we use to function in the physical world.

The conscious mind is also the part of you that maintains your habits and your beliefs. Our habits and beliefs are the tools we use to cope, rationalize, and analyze our fears, stresses, obstacles, decisions, and desires. Sometimes, these tools no longer serve us, but we continue to use them because it's all we know. We become confused with many things to get done and choices to make. Many times, we look externally for someone or something to find happiness.

The subconscious mind is multi-dimensional, independent of time and space. When we are aware of the potential of our subconscious mind, we begin to function using the whole mind. It has been said that we use only 10% of our minds at best. Science research is just beginning to discover the validity of dream analysis and the vast potential of the human mind.

There are three ways to tap into the subconscious mind: hypnosis, intuition, and dreams.

Hypnosis: This is used to go into the subconscious mind to retrieve thoughts and memories that have been forgotten or repressed.

Intuition: is experienced by the urge of just knowing when something feels good or bad, a gut reaction. It could be a physical, auditory, or emotional sensation, better known as your sixth sense.

Dreams: are messages from your subconscious mind that speak to you when you sleep. These messages are related to you in a symbolic language, communicating your thoughts.

People live their whole lives unaware of the communication between the conscious and subconscious minds. Your whole self is the combining of your conscious and subconscious minds. Your personality is free of repression, fear, and uncertainty when this occurs. You become more aware of who you are, what you want, and what you are creating in your life.

Dream messages are tools for growth, awareness, and internal power.   

How to begin to recall your dreams.

  • Start by getting a notebook, journal, or whatever you have handy to write your dreams down upon awakening. 
  • Write the following day's date on the top right corner of the page.
  • At the top of the page, write I will remember my dream. Writing this tells the subconscious that you intend to recall your dream state. Please know it may take a few times to write this before you have recalled it, as you are beginning to train yourself, which takes effort and patience. 
  • When you begin writing, DO NOT self-censor what you are writing, no matter how strange or weird, because it is symbolic, not literal. This is crucial for properly understanding what you are thinking and doing in your normal aware state. No one will see your journal except you anyway, so please don't cheat yourself. 

If you would like to interpret it on your own, I can recommend a couple of great books to help you.

  1. The Dream Book Symbols for Understanding by Betty Bethards
  2. The Dreamers Dictionary by Dr. Barbara Condron


Dream Analysis

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Dream Analysis

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    Please allow up to 48 hours to interpret your dream. 


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