Self-Affirmation Technique

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By : Admin | Date : 17 Sep

The Healing Power of Emile Coué's Self-Affirmation Technique


In the realm of self-help and personal development, there are few figures as remarkable as Emile Coué. Born in 1857 in France, Coué was a pharmacist by profession but is best remembered for his pioneering work in the field of auto-suggestion, which helped countless individuals heal and improve their lives. At the heart of his methodology was a simple yet powerful phrase: "Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better." In this blog post, we will explore the greatness of Emile Coué and how his repeated self-affirmation technique, combined with the practice of counting on your fingers, can positively impact your mental and emotional well-being.

The Genius of Emile Coué

Emile Coué's approach to healing and self-improvement was a departure from the conventional methods of his time. Instead of relying solely on external treatments or therapies, Coué believed in the intrinsic power of the human mind. He understood that the thoughts we hold and the words we repeat have a profound influence on our overall well-being.

The cornerstone of Coué's methodology was the repeated use of his famous affirmation: "Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better." He encouraged his clients to repeat this phrase ten times while counting on their fingers on one hand, tapping the thumb and forefinger together, then the thumb and the rest of the digits, tapping twice on the pinkie, before going to sleep each night. The underlying principle was simple but groundbreaking: by consistently feeding the mind with positive thoughts, one could rewire their thought patterns and ultimately bring about positive change in their lives.

The Science of Brain Training

The effectiveness of Coué's technique lies in its ability to harness the neuroplasticity of the brain. Neuroplasticity refers to the brain's capacity to adapt and reorganize itself in response to experiences and thoughts. Every time you engage in a thought or action, a neural pathway in your brain is formed or strengthened.

When you repeat the phrase, "Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better," while counting on your fingers, you are not just uttering words; you are actively training your brain. The act of counting on your fingers adds a tactile component to the affirmation, making it more memorable and reinforcing the neural pathways associated with this positive statement.

Over time, as you continue to practice this affirmation technique, these pathways become stronger and more automatic. This means that the positive thoughts and beliefs embedded in the affirmation gradually become an integral part of your subconscious mind. As a result, you begin to naturally think and act in ways that align with the affirmation, leading to real and lasting improvements in your life.

Benefits of Coué's Self-Affirmation Technique

Improved Self-Confidence: By repeatedly affirming your progress and growth, you boost your self-confidence and belief in your abilities.

Reduced Stress and Anxiety: The positive thoughts embedded in the affirmation can help alleviate stress and anxiety, promoting mental well-being.

Enhanced Goal Achievement: Coué's technique can help you stay focused on your goals and maintain a positive mindset, increasing your chances of success.

Better Relationships: As you become more positive and self-assured, your interactions with others are likely to improve, leading to better relationships.

Overall Well-Being: Emile Coué's method can contribute to your overall sense of well-being and life satisfaction.


Emile Coué's groundbreaking self-affirmation technique, centered around the phrase "Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better," is a testament to the power of the human mind. By consistently repeating this affirmation while counting on your fingers, you can harness the brain's ability to adapt and rewire itself, leading to positive and lasting changes in your life. Coué's legacy endures as a reminder that the mind is a powerful tool, and with the right approach, we can heal, grow, and become the best versions of ourselves. So, why not give it a try? Every day, in every way, you can get better and better. Drop me a note at and let me know how it worked for you!

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